How to make a complaint to UBA Customer Care

How to make a complaint to UBA Customer Care

In this article, we shall provide a guide to making a complaint to UBA Bank customer care service in Nigeria Due to the nature of the service the UBA Bank provides to you – dealing with your money, when things go wrong, it can indeed be an extremely frustrating and...
Money Laundering (Prevention and Prohibition) Act 2022

Money Laundering (Prevention and Prohibition) Act 2022

PART I—OBJECTIVES OF THIS ACT 1. Objectives —(1) The objectives of this Act are to— (a) provide for an effective and comprehensive legal and institutional framework for the prevention, prohibition, detection, prosecution and punishment of money laundering and other...

Electoral Act 2022

PART I—ESTABLISHMENT AND FUNCTIONS OF INDEPENDENT NATIONAL ELECTORAL COMMISSION 1. Establishment of Independent National Electoral Commission. —(1) The Independent National Electoral Commission as established by section 153 of the Constitution (in this Act referred to...
Key things to know about Election Petitions in Nigeria

Key things to know about Election Petitions in Nigeria

Election Petitions in Nigeria Under Nigerian law, the governing law for how elections can be challenged are contained in the Electoral Act 2022. Under the Electoral Act, the people who can file an election petition are the election candidates who contested in the...
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