Your Rights when dealing with a LASTMA official

Your Rights when dealing with a LASTMA official

Can LASTMA officials arrest me? LASTMA officials, like other law enforcement agents have the power to arrest individuals who are suspected of committing road offences. If a LASTMA official, arrests you for a road traffic offence; you can either: Accept liability and...
How to Become a Lawyer in Nigeria

How to Become a Lawyer in Nigeria

  So you want to be a lawyer? Well…strap on your seatbelts, as you are in for a long ride! The Nigerian Legal system runs a common law system, centred on the old English common Law. Our legal system is similar to those of other Commonwealth countries like...
Can you appeal a UK Tourist Visa Rejection

Can you appeal a UK Tourist Visa Rejection

If your application for a visa to the United Kingdom is denied, the simple fact is that you do not have a right of appeal. Right of Appeal for UK Visa Right of appeal only exists in one of the below situations: A decision to refuse a human rights claim for entry...
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