How to sue for medical negligence in Nigeria

How to sue for medical negligence in Nigeria

What is Medical Negligence and do I have a claim?   As Nigerians, we have all heard the story of friends or family members who have gone into the hospital for routine procedures or for minor medical conditions, and the next you hear is that they have sadly passed...
Personal Income Tax in Nigeria

Personal Income Tax in Nigeria

What is Personal Income Tax? Personal Income Tax is a direct tax charged on the income of a person. In the context of personal income tax, a ‘person’ means an individual, a sole proprietorship (non-juristic person), communities and families and on...
5 Taxes every Nigerian Entrepreneur should be aware of

5 Taxes every Nigerian Entrepreneur should be aware of

Taxes in Nigeria If you are reading this post, then you are one of the growing number of Nigerian business persons and entrepreneurs who are interested in knowing what their tax obligations are, and making sure they are operating their business while paying the right...
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